Tag Archives: ‘geotagging’

Weekly Recap: Your First Plugin, Internationalization, WordPress at School, and Geotagging

More WordCamp NYC videos and a great tutorial from the community round out the videos published this past week on WordPress.tv. Here’s what you missed:

First, there’s John Hawkins’ talk from WordCamp NYC on how to build your very first WordPress plugin. He’s given this talk at a handful of WordCamps this year, but it’s always packed with great information and serves as a great introduction to building a very basic plugin.

Next, Automattician José Fontainhas gives an overview of how to properly provide for internationalization in your WordPress projects, including a brief look at the new GlotPress system. If you’re building something for WordPress, you should take a look at this presentation to learn how easy it is to help the community translate your project. Much of the WordPress community is not English-speaking.

The last presentation from WordCamp NYC comes from Serena Epstein and Shannon Houser: a talk titled “WordPress As a Gateway Drug“. It’s about how the use of WordPress in an undergraduate coursework setting has influenced students to continue the creative process even post-graduation. It has a unique style and flavor—check it out.

And lastly, we were pointed in the direction of a wonderful example of a tutorial coming out of the WordPress community. In this case, it’s Jesse P. Luna’s howto on using the new WordPress.com geotagging feature. It’s great to see these kinds of things come from dedicated WordPress users like all of you.

This is a great moment to remind you that if you have a WordPress feature you think could use a great tutorial, there’s never a better time to create one and send it on to us! If you’ve seen a tutorial or have made one, drop us a line and let us know about it.

If you’re looking for a suggestion, here’s one: are you one of the many people who are working with WordPress 2.9-beta? There are some excellent new features coming in 2.9, and there will be lots of WordPress users looking for information on those features. Why not consider whipping up a brief and to-the-point tutorial on one of the new features coming in 2.9?

Have a great week!